MATLAB price lists

MATLAB Product Licensing Information for STANDARD and for SCHOOL use

Standard & school price list, MATLAB add-ons and general information

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Perpetual license (Perpetual)

The purchase price of the license represents a fee for an unlimited license for one user or a group of users and includes a subscription for the first 12 months from the purchase of the license. Access to updates, technical support and the possibility to extend the license with additional extensions in the following years is possible after payment of the Renewal fee.

Limited time license (Term)

The purchase price of the license represents a fee for a time-limited license for one user or a group of users for a period of 1 year (Annual license) or 3 months (Short-Term license) and includes subscription for the duration of the license. The change of license variant (e.g. "Individual" and "Designated Computer") is not possible with this type of license, the ordered variant is fixed for the entire duration of the license. Inquire about the price of MATLAB time-limited licenses.

Maintenance Subscription (Renewal)

A 12-month support subscription provides the following services:

For Perpetual licenses, the time period immediately follows the previous subscription period. Renewal can be purchased at discounted (Bonus) prices no later than 1 day before the expiration of the current subscription cycle (in case of later ordering, standard prices will apply). If the subscription cycle is interrupted, it can be renewed by paying back the Renewal fees.

Find out about the subscription price for your MATLAB system license

Supported platforms

All MATLAB licenses are cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS).
