Build Your Startup with MATLAB and Simulink

Develop your products and reach early-stage milestones fast with MATLAB and Simulink.

MathWorks Startup Program provides low-cost access to MATLAB and Simulink

Over 5,000 startups worldwide use MATLAB and Simulink to research projects, develop prototypes, and take ideas from concept to production in industries such as clean energy, medical devices, robotics, and autonomous vehicles ...

Early-stage technology startups are eligible for special startup-friendly pricing if your company meets the following criteria:

  • Automated Driving Systems
  • Computational Biology
  • Control Systems
  • Data Science
  • Deep Learning
  • Embedded Systems
  • Enterprise and IT Systems
  • FPGA, ASIC, and SoC Development
  • Image Processing and Computer Vision
  • Internet of Things
  • Machine Learning
  • Mechatronics
  • Mixed-Signal Systems
  • Power Electronics Control Design
  • Power Systems Analysis and Design
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Robotics
  • Signal Processing
  • Test and Measurement
  • Wireless Communications
  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Automotive
  • Communications
  • Electronics
  • Energy Production
  • Industrial Automation and Machinery
  • Medical Devices
  • Metals, Materials, and Mining
  • Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
  • Railway Systems
  • Semiconductors
  • Software and Internet
  • Technical Services and Consulting
  • Cloud Computing
  • Discrete-Event Simulation
  • Embedded Code Generation
  • GPU Computing
  • Hardware Support
  • Model-Based Design
  • Model Deployment
  • Parallel Computing
  • Physical Modeling
  • Real-Time Simulation and Testing
  • Report Generation
  • Systems Engineering
  • Verification, Validation, and Test
  • Web and Desktop Deployment
MATLAB Suite for Startups

MATLAB and Simulink Suite for Startups

MATLAB and Simulink own configuration

  • Choose your own products configuration
  • Annual (available all licenses types)

Key Benefits

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By submitting this form, you give us your consent to process your personal data to the extent necessary to process your inquiry, registration or request.
Our Privacy Policy can be found here.

See How Other Startups Use MATLAB

"Díky MATLAB Startup programu a jeho cenové politice používáme hned od založení firmy pro řešení našich projektů systém MATLAB. Díky dostupnosti toolboxů pro zpracování obrazu jsme byli schopni realizovat projekt Interactive SandBox ve velmi krátkém čase. V jiném projektu pak distribuujeme výsledný software s využitím MATLAB Compileru a pracujeme i pro zákazníky, kteří sami MATLAB používají."

doc. Ing. Robert Grepl, Ph.D.
MECHSOFT s.r.o., Česká republika

"Podobne asi každá firma aj my sme zvažovali viacero možností. MATLAB-SIMULINK sme vybrali na základe osobných veľmi dobrých skúseností z minulosti a rozsiahlych možností, ktorý tento systém ponúka v rámci jednotlivých toolboxov. Daľší významný argument pri našom rozhodovaní bolo pre nás rozšírenie tohto systému u našich zákazníkov, dodávateľov a partnerov v oblasti R&D na univerzitách v Európe a USA. V neposlednom rade zohrala významnú úlohu aj špičková podpora tohto produktu v našom regióne."

Peter Zavadinka
PistonPower s.r.o., Slovensko

MATLAB Trial Request:
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Fill in a phone number where we can reach you.
Anything you want to tell us.

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By submitting this form, you give us your consent to process your personal data to the extent necessary to process your inquiry, registration or request.
Our Privacy Policy can be found here.
